1. 如果我的胆固醇偏高,我要怎样饮用NH Oat Plus 26呢?

如果胆固醇水平偏高的话,我们建议你每天饮用NH Oat Plus 26两次,早晚餐前各一次,每次两勺,持续4至6个星期。若您的胆固醇水平已稳定,那就每天饮用至少两勺。

2. 什么让NH Oat Plus 26有别于其他的燕麦麸粉?

NH Oat Plus 26由100%澳洲进口,更获得澳洲NASAA有机认证,天然种植无农药的有机燕麦麸皮制成,含20%Beta-葡聚糖。NH Oat Plus 26是直接提取燕麦麸制成,经由特别技术处理,有别于一般的燕麦麸粉,让纯度提高,保留了更多的Beta-葡聚糖。每2勺NH Oat Plus 26就可以提供您,多过3克的燕麦Beta-葡聚糖,更有效地帮助降低胆固醇。它不但味道可口,口感也很顺滑。

3. NH Oat Plus 26 对糖尿病者也有帮助吗?


4. 要饮用多久我才能看到我的胆固醇水平有所改善呢?

每天饮用至少两勺 NH Oat Plus 26 配合低饱和脂肪和胆固醇的饮食,您将会在4至6个星期内看到改善。



1. 倒大约300毫升冷/温开水/您喜欢之饮料入摇摇杯。

2. 倒入两勺NH Oat Plus 26。

3. 把摇摇杯盖好,摇均后饮用。


1. Haddad A. El Rabey, Madeha N. Al-Seeni and Hanan M. Amer, “Efficiency of Barley Bran and Oat Bran in Ameliorating Blood Lipid Profile and the Adverse Histological Changes in Hypercholesterolemic Male Rats”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, BioMed Research International Volume 2013, Article ID 263594.
2. European Commision, “Regulation 1160/2011”, on the authorisation and refusal of authorisation of certain health claims made on foods and referring to the reduction of disease risk. Retrieved 14 Novemeber 2011.
3. Cheickna Daou and Hui Zhang, “Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety”, volume 11, Issue 4, first published online on 12 June 2012, page 359.
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5. FSQD, MOH, “Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims (as at December 2010). Appendix 9: Other Conditions For Nutrient Function Claims”, pages 26-27.
6. US FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), “Guidance for Industry: A Food Labeling Guide (11. Appendix C: Health Claims)”, January 2013, pages 4-5.
7. Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand, “Food Standards Code, Chapter 1: General Food Standards, Standard 1.2.7 – Nutrition, Health and Related Claims”, 18 January 2013.